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SyntaxHighlighter4 Plugin

Syntax und Anwendung

<sxh [brush][; options]>
... code/text ...


The brush (language) that SyntaxHighlighter should use. Defaults to „text“ if none is provided. See SyntaxHighlighter Brushes page for a complete list of available brushes.


Semicolon separated options for SyntaxHighlighter, see SyntaxHighlighter Configuration. The plugin handles the Block Title from SyntaxHighlighter 3 as an option, i.e. title: <title string>;.


Syntaxhighlighter default options can be overrided via the Config Manager :

  • autoLinks: Allows you to turn detection of links in the highlighted element on and off. If the option is turned off, URLs won’t be clickable (default true)
  • firstLine: Allows you to change the first (starting) line number (default 1)
  • gutter: Allows you to turn gutter with line numbers (default true)
  • htmlScript: Allows you to highlight a mixture of HTML/XML code and a script which is very common in web development. Setting this value to true requires that you have shBrushXml.js loaded and that the brush you are using supports this feature (default false)
  • smartTabs: Allows you to turn smart tabs feature on and off (default true)
  • tabSize: Allows you to adjust tab size (default 4)
  • override: Override <code> DokuWiki syntax (default false)


<sxh php; first-line: 89; highlight: [106,107]; title: New title attribute in action>
     * Render xhtml output or metadata
     * @param string         $mode      Renderer mode (supported modes: xhtml)
     * @param Doku_Renderer  $renderer  The renderer
     * @param array          $data      The data from the handler() function
     * @return bool If rendering was successful.
    public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer &$renderer, $data) {
        if($mode != 'xhtml') return false;

        if (count($data) != 3) {
            return true;

        list($syntax, $attr, $content) = $data;
        if ($syntax == 'sxh') {
            $title = $this->procTitle($attr);
            $highlight = $this->procHighlight($attr);
            $renderer->doc .= '<pre class="brush: ' . strtolower($attr . $highlight) . '"' . $title . '>' . $renderer->_xmlEntities($content) . '</pre>';
        } else {

        return true;


     * Render xhtml output or metadata
     * @param string         $mode      Renderer mode (supported modes: xhtml)
     * @param Doku_Renderer  $renderer  The renderer
     * @param array          $data      The data from the handler() function
     * @return bool If rendering was successful.
    public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer &$renderer, $data) {
        if($mode != 'xhtml') return false;

        if (count($data) != 3) {
            return true;

        list($syntax, $attr, $content) = $data;
        if ($syntax == 'sxh') {
            $title = $this->procTitle($attr);
            $highlight = $this->procHighlight($attr);
            $renderer->doc .= '<pre class="brush: ' . strtolower($attr . $highlight) . '"' . $title . '>' . $renderer->_xmlEntities($content) . '</pre>';
        } else {

        return true;


Copy to clipboard

Double click anywhere inside SyntaxHighlighter code area to highlight the text and then copy it using Ctrl/Cmd+C or mouse right click > Copy. Click outside the code area to restore highlighting.

Highlight a range of lines


<sxh php; highlight: [11-15]>
     * [Custom event handler which performs action]
     * @param Doku_Event $event  event object by reference
     * @param mixed      $param  [the parameters passed as fifth argument to register_hook() when this
     *                           handler was registered]
     * @return void

    public function handle_metaheader(Doku_Event &$event, $param) {
        // Add SyntaxHighlighter theme.
        $event->data['link'][] = array('rel' => 'stylesheet',
            'type' => 'text/css',
            'href' => DOKU_BASE . 'lib/plugins/syntaxhighlighter4/dist/'.$this->getConf('theme'),

        // Register SyntaxHighlighter javascript.
        $event->data["script"][] = array("type" => "text/javascript",
            "src" => DOKU_BASE . "lib/plugins/syntaxhighlighter4/dist/syntaxhighlighter.js",
            "_data" => ""


     * [Custom event handler which performs action]
     * @param Doku_Event $event  event object by reference
     * @param mixed      $param  [the parameters passed as fifth argument to register_hook() when this
     *                           handler was registered]
     * @return void

    public function handle_metaheader(Doku_Event &$event, $param) {
        // Add SyntaxHighlighter theme.
        $event->data['link'][] = array('rel' => 'stylesheet',
            'type' => 'text/css',
            'href' => DOKU_BASE . 'lib/plugins/syntaxhighlighter4/dist/'.$this->getConf('theme'),

        // Register SyntaxHighlighter javascript.
        $event->data["script"][] = array("type" => "text/javascript",
            "src" => DOKU_BASE . "lib/plugins/syntaxhighlighter4/dist/syntaxhighlighter.js",
            "_data" => ""


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